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Female Fertility

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When a couple cannot conceive after engaging in regular unprotected intercourse for a specific period, they are diagnosed with infertility. If this is your case, seeking the aid of a fertility specialist for proper evaluation may be necessary.

When is A Fertility Assessment Needed?

A thorough evaluation of your fertility can be carried out at any point, and it is never too soon to learn about your ability to reproduce. Nevertheless, we suggest undergoing an assessment when:

    You are contemplating the idea of freezing your eggs for future purposes.

    You are younger than 35, and it has been 12 months or more trying to get pregnant.

    You are 35-40 years old, and it has been six months or more trying to get pregnant.

    You are considering starting a family and you are 40+ years old.

    Symptoms of Infertility can Include:

    No periods/irregular periods

    Painful periods/heavy periods

    Suffering from pain during sex/endometriosis

    Multiple miscarriages

    Other medical conditions may cause similar symptoms. If you encounter any of the previously mentioned signs, it is beneficial to seek professional advice from a healthcare professional.

    How Does Our Fertility Assessment Go?

    1. Starting With…

    The first step in assessing female fertility comprehensively involves thoroughly examining the patient.

    2. Ovulation Testing

    We will request a series of blood examinations and ultrasounds to evaluate your hormone levels during distinct phases of your menstrual cycle. Such analyses will enable us to determine the occurrence and timing of ovulation while identifying any irregularities in hormonal activity.

    3. Ovarian Reserve

    We will additionally conduct examinations to assess the quantity of eggs in your ovaries, commonly referred to as ovarian reserve. These evaluations involve testing for various hormones, including anti-mullerian hormone (AMH), estrogen and follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), that can provide valuable information.


    Fertility Testing May Include


    As part of the fertility evaluation, we will use transvaginal ultrasounds to look for any abnormalities within your uterus and ovaries, such as ovarian cysts or fibroids. Additionally, the use of ultrasound during cycle monitoring aids us in determining changes in the uterine lining throughout each phase of your menstrual cycle.

    Saline Ultrasound (Uterine Cavity Check)

    This ultrasound allows us to look closely at the inside of the uterus to see if there are any endometrial polyps, fibroids, scar tissue or any other abnormalities within the uterine cavity. We can also use this to assess the fallopian tubes.

    Hysterosalpingography (HSG)

    This X-ray technique is used to visualize the interior of both the fallopian tubes and the uterus. Using this procedure, we can identify any obstructions that may have developed in your fallopian tubes and assess any abnormalities present, such as the irregular size or shape of your uterus.


    Through the insertion of an endoscope into the cervix, we can examine the interior of the uterus. This procedure enables us to look directly at any abnormalities that may be present.

    Genetic testing

    We can use this method to determine if there is a genetic problem that is playing a role in causing infertility. Additionally, examining the genes of both partners attempting pregnancy may uncover any mutations which might be transmitted to the baby.

    Treatment Options

    Ovulation Induction

    The method uses medications to help mature an egg or increase the number of eggs released during ovulation. Such an improvement can increase the likelihood of conceiving.

    Intrauterine Insemination (IUI)

    This involves the placement of the sperm into a woman’s uterus. This method may improve the chances of fertilization as it brings the sperm closer to the egg.

    In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)

    The egg and sperm are placed together in a dish in the laboratory for fertilization to occur and an embryo to be created. The embryo is then implanted into the uterus.

    Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI)

    In this type of in vitro fertilization, the sperm is directly injected into the egg in the laboratory for fertilization to occur.

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